How long will it take for the herbs to work?

This depends on a number of factors. In some cases, you may see effects from the herbs immediately! In some, a longer-term protocol may be necessary. This is why follow-ups are important- we will be better able to track improvement over time and adjust formulas as needed.

Where do the herbs come from?

I have a small but ever-growing apothecary. Some tinctures will come from that stock, and are made with alcohol and either fresh herbs that I have harvested, or dry herbs from organic sources. I may suggest that you purchase tincture that I don’t have from a shop; sourcing information for those should (ideally) be available to you there. If that is the case, I will work towards making that particular tincture available in my own apothecary within a couple months, so that I can ensure your consistent access to it for a lower cost.

What about Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture/Bodywork/Energy Work?

I am not a practitioner of any of the above modalities, though I am happy to give recommendations for people that are, and may refer you for other kinds of healing work if it seems like it could be particularly helpful for you!

How does sliding scale work?

I offer sliding scale consultations for $90-$140, and follow-ups for $45-$70. Using this model, I ask that people pay according to their means and access to financial resources. When you pay towards the higher end of the scale, you help support my ability to provide for others. When you pay in the middle of the scale, you help support me. When you pay toward the lower end of the scale, you allow me and others to help support you. All of these are valuable.

What is included in the cost?

The cost covers the time I spend in-person with you, as well as the time I spend doing research for your case, and my general availability to you by phone or email for further questions and recommendations outside of scheduled follow-ups. Note that this does not include the cost of herbs, which can range widely. If you have a specific budget for this, let me know during our consultation and I will be happy to discuss options to bring the cost down.

Can we do a trade instead of payment?

Possibly! Let’s talk about it. What constitutes a valuable trade to me changes over time. Fill out my contact form and I will try to work something out with you. I recognize that even the lowest end of my sliding scale is not accessible to everyone. Payment plans are also available.

How do you protect my privacy?

Everything we discuss will be automatically private and confidential. I may ask for your consent to discuss your case with a mentor- this would contain no identifying information of yours.

Do you teach classes?

Yes! I am occasionally on the schedule at Rainbow Natural Remedies in Seattle, WA. You can reserve spaces in those classes on my classes page.

As above, so below! A dramatic view at Ollalie Lake.